Avoidance, hidden cameras, disbelief, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Accused Perth nurse Christine Hartmann Benz and the anti-vaxxers trying to avoid mandatory vaccination: Ken McLeod is part of a collective of pro-vaccination advocates, Stop the Australian Anti-Vaccination Network, and believe cases like Ms Hartmann Benz show that regulatory authorities are … [Read more...]

Incentives, hype, resistance, and more…

FSM News and Articles

COVID-19 vaccine incentives – Australian doctors now allowed to offer cash, prizes and alternative medicines: In a perplexing move, new rules allow doctors and pharmacists to offer complementary medicines – including homeopathy, naturopathy, and ‘immune boosting vitamins’ – as incentives to … [Read more...]

Masks, antibiotics, scams, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Do masks work?  “So here, then, is my bottom line. Sure, wear face masks whenever you are out in public or have to be exposed to other people – but wear the mask properly, don’t touch or adjust it, don’t … [Read more...]

Coronavirus… and more coronavirus…

FSM News and Articles

JOHN DWYER. Understanding the public health imperatives required to minimise infections with the coronavirus. (Part One): “It is reasonable, at the moment, to suggest that older Australians limit unnecessary exposure to the broader community (meetings, travel, shopping centres etc), while special … [Read more...]

Inadequacy, inappropriateness, infodemics, and more…

FSM News and Articles

JOHN DWYER – The opioid crisis should focus attention on the inadequacy of Primary Care in Australia: “Some three millions of us live with daily severe pain. Arthritis, back injuries, headaches, nerve damage and even psychologically induced pain are some … [Read more...]

Mushrooms, Evidence, Smart Watches, and more…

FSM News and Articles

University under fire for mushrooms claim after sponsor revealed: “An Australian university has come under fire for spruiking a study into the supposed immune-boosting powers of mushrooms – without revealing it was sponsored by a company that sells mushroom-based immune-boosters.” More … [Read more...]

Pharmacy friction, trust, measles, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

What do consumers think about homeopathic remedies? “Homeopathy is a good example of the friction between the profession of pharmacy, and the business of pharmacy. Pharmacists are health care professionals, but pharmacies sell lots of nonsense that isn’t evidence based … [Read more...]