Chaos, integrity, safety, and more…

FSM News and Articles

The chaotic incompetence of our roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines? Part 1: “It is obvious that vaccination is the only weapon available to end the global pandemic and that weapon is powerful and can do the trick. However you … [Read more...]

Bad jobs, ghosts, clots, and more…

FSM News and Articles

TGA does ‘terrible job’ on CMS, say critics: Dr Ken Harvey, president of Friends of Science in Medicine, and Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor at Bond University, and Professor John Dwyer AO, Past President of Friends of Science in Medicine, and Emeritus … [Read more...]

Zaps, climate change, gene-editing, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Can a few zaps a day keep the pain away? It seems like a great idea, but the evidence base for transcutaneous electric neuronal stimulation (TENS) for relief of chronic pain is severely lacking. Complaints made to the TGA that these … [Read more...]

Can a few zaps a day keep the pain away?

Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine research assistant Abdullah Sheriffdeen spent the summer of 2019 following up complaints sent to the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) which had been classified as ‘low risk’ and ‘closed’ by the regulator by sending a Regulatory … [Read more...]

Mushrooms, Evidence, Smart Watches, and more…

FSM News and Articles

University under fire for mushrooms claim after sponsor revealed: “An Australian university has come under fire for spruiking a study into the supposed immune-boosting powers of mushrooms – without revealing it was sponsored by a company that sells mushroom-based immune-boosters.” More … [Read more...]