Incentives, hype, resistance, and more…

FSM News and Articles

COVID-19 vaccine incentives – Australian doctors now allowed to offer cash, prizes and alternative medicines: In a perplexing move, new rules allow doctors and pharmacists to offer complementary medicines – including homeopathy, naturopathy, and ‘immune boosting vitamins’ – as incentives to … [Read more...]

Clots, misinformation, pacemaking, and more…


Data suggest no increased risk of blood clots from the Astra-Zeneca vaccine. Australia shouldn’t pause its rollout: The world is currently undertaking a vaccination programme like that never seen before in human history – we are vaccinating record numbers of people in record time … [Read more...]

Vaccinations, anti-vaxxers, masks, and more…


COVID-19 – transparency and communication are key: “As the first wave of COVID-19 vaccination gets under way, the need for good communication has never been greater. Without it, the extraordinary scientific advances that have led to the vaccines’ development might easily be … [Read more...]

Reality, anecdotes, design, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

There is no COVID-19 “casedemic.” The pandemic is real and deadly: COVID-19 has killed over a quarter million Americans in less than a year, roughly the equivalent of a 9/11 attack every 4 days. This is the tragic consequence of … [Read more...]

The Seed, Tree and Fruits of Sri Lankan Drug Policy

The story of Prof Senaka Bibile, State Pharmaceuticals Corporation, students Involved in Rational Health Activities and the National Medicines Regulatory Authority, by Chamath Lavinda (4th year Medical Student, President, Students Involved in Rational Health Activities (SIRHA), Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka).… [Read more...]

Hay fever, misinformation, pharmacists, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

HPV vaccine effectiveness – 14 year follow-up of women, all good news: Yet more evidence that the HPV vaccine is safe and effective. Yes, that’s right. They DO check these things.


Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia: Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) [Read more...]

Swabs, flying, bleach, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Health experts say COVID-19 swab tests are safe and do not damage the blood-brain barrierThe claim is misleading, according to experts. According to Immunologist and FSM Consultant, Emeritus Professor John Dwyer, “The swab is not placed on the blood … [Read more...]

Lurking danger, bus tours, bats, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Hidden dangers lurk in many sports supplements: Experts have warned of undeclared poisons in supplements, especially grey market products from overseas. Is tighter regulation the solution? The use of sports supplement is hugely popular among athletes and fitness fiends, but … [Read more...]

Trials, bleach, superspreaders, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Loretta Marron reviews “Don’t believe what you think” by Edzard Ernst: Edzard Ernst’s new book addresses commonly held beliefs about ‘so-called complementary medicines (SCAM)’, and can act as a useful guide to making better healthcare choices and improving your critical … [Read more...]