Supplements, rabies, smarter drugs, and more…

FSM news and articles

Do vitamins and supplements really work? Dr Ken Harvey, makes an appearance on ABC Nightlife to talk about the evidence for herbal, mineral and vitamin supplements, and the issues around them.   “The [vitamin and supplement] industry really sells hope. [rather … [Read more...]

Acupuncture, pain relief, alcohol and more…

FSM news & articles

Cochrane Acupuncture Update: Over 60 Cochrane Systematic Reviews fail to find robust evidence to support clinically significant outcomes for acupuncture for any disease or disorder: In the time since acupuncture first began being seriously researched by medical researchers and many, … [Read more...]

Health policy, anti-science, regulatory failure, and more..

FSM news & articles

Media Release: Proposed bill fails to protect consumers from unproven medicines: Government legislation and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) are supposed to protect Australians when they purchase medicines. Prominent health authorities are warning that the Federal Government is trying to … [Read more...]

Supplements, antibiotics, homeopathy, spruiking convictions, and more.

FSM news & articles:

Spruiking supplements: Why does a trusted Nine news journalist risk their reputation to spruik vitamins and supplements?


FSM Friends news & articles:

Homeopathy Embarrassing to Integrative Medicine: Perhaps we should celebrate the distancing from homeopathy of many ‘integrative medicine’ … [Read more...]

Cancer, quackery, placebos, neck manipulation, and more


FSM Friends news & articles:

Cancer, vitamin supplements, and unexpected consequences: Not only do B-vitamin supplements not protect you from lung cancer, they may significantly raise your risk of cancer.

Naturopathic Cancer Quackery: Naturopaths treat cancer with an array of implausible concoctions … [Read more...]

Pseudoscience, Superbugs, Viruses, and more…


FSM news & articles:

New complementary medicine health claims lack evidence, so why are they even on the table? Australia’s drugs regulator seems to be endorsing pseudoscientific claims about homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine as part of its review of how complementary medicines are … [Read more...]

Crystal healing & controversial nutrition in universities, homeopathy, naturopathy, cancer, and more


Pro-science lobby wary of uni links to alternative remedies : Friends of Science in Medicine – WA universities are increasingly being used to host events to promote alternative remedies such as crystal healing.

Backlash over Murdoch Uni’s decision to host ‘dangerous nutrition expert’ : [Read more...]