Weight-loss, chronic pain, Facebook, and more…

FSM News & Articles

CSIRO profiting from weight loss pill with no scientific backing: The pills, marketed as ‘Metabolic C12’ contain lauric acid, which has some early evidence behind it as an appetite suppressant. However, it has never been tested for weight loss. The Impromy [Read more...]

Anti-‘Vaxxed’ protest, the well-being industry, detox scams, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles:

Uber driver protesting ‘Vaxxed’ film meets Philly vaccine pioneer: Craig Egan drove across the country this summer to disrupt a bus tour launched by the makers of the film Vaxxed, a group that questions the safety of vaccines. The … [Read more...]

Cancer, quackery, placebos, neck manipulation, and more


FSM Friends news & articles:

Cancer, vitamin supplements, and unexpected consequences: Not only do B-vitamin supplements not protect you from lung cancer, they may significantly raise your risk of cancer.

Naturopathic Cancer Quackery: Naturopaths treat cancer with an array of implausible concoctions … [Read more...]