Ethics, education, fallacy, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

2020 – Looking back with sadness, anger and hope:I happen to believe that ethics in SCAM are an important, yet much neglected topic. It is easy to understand why this should be so: adhering to the rules of … [Read more...]

Cricket, sabotage, triage, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Those in the public health arena are ‘going too far’: Immunologist and FSM co-founder Emeritus Professor John Dwyer criticises the decision to go ahead with the test match at the SCG, and is accused of ‘going too far’. 

FSM Friends’ News

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Scams, SCAM, germs, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

COVID-19 vaccine rollout creates new scamming opportunities for crooks: “With the initial administration of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine earlier this week in the U.S., and the prospect of Moderna’s vaccine receiving an FDA Emergency Use Authorization at any moment, scammers are … [Read more...]

Vaccinations, anti-vaxxers, masks, and more…


COVID-19 – transparency and communication are key: “As the first wave of COVID-19 vaccination gets under way, the need for good communication has never been greater. Without it, the extraordinary scientific advances that have led to the vaccines’ development might easily be … [Read more...]

Cut chef, debunked myth, misplaced fear, and more…


Pete Evans: why did it take so long for companies to cut ties with the celebrity chef? “Companies have severed ties with Evans after he posted a neo-Nazi symbol, but sharing health misinformation can cause real damage too. It should not require a … [Read more...]

Advertising, magic, bent spoons, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Complementary medicines advertising policy – Part I – unethical conduct in the Australian market before July 2018: “Numerous complementary medicines (and medical devices) that were extensively advertised failed to meet real health needs, diverted consumers from more evidence-based treatment and … [Read more...]

Mammograms, adverse events, insulin, and more…


Be inforMD – Know your breasts: Breast density hides cancers and increases cancer risk. We explain how breast density can complicate mammogram screening and what steps you can take to reduce your risk of breast cancer. Please share and help us spread the … [Read more...]

Silver, flu, herds, and more…

FSM News and Articles

‘It’s ineffective and dangerous’: Elle Macpherson comes under fire for promoting colloidal silver – a ‘toxic’ substance that can turn the skin blue: Elle Macpherson has come under fire by health experts for promoting a ‘toxic’ and ‘fatal’ substance, colloidal … [Read more...]