Advertising, magic, bent spoons, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Complementary medicines advertising policy – Part I – unethical conduct in the Australian market before July 2018: “Numerous complementary medicines (and medical devices) that were extensively advertised failed to meet real health needs, diverted consumers from more evidence-based treatment and … [Read more...]

Vitamins, fresh water, hygiene, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles

Timothy Caulfield: The multivitamin industry rakes in billions of dollars. But science says we’re not getting healthier: “Despite evidence that, in general, there are no clear health benefits, people take supplements … because they believe they work, are … [Read more...]

Generic drugs, right-to-try, fluoridation, and more…

FSM news & articles

Ban CM brands from making unfounded claims – Doctors: “Under the legislation homeopathic products will be able to claim they decrease the time taken to fall asleep, and relieve symptoms of mild anxiety, “despite the Federal Government warning that homeopathic products … [Read more...]