Cancellations, falsehoods, super-spreaders, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Australia cancels all Bioresonance devices: From 2014 to 2018, [FSM] had repeatedly [asked the TGA] for these devices to be investigated. Meeting with the national manager in 2016, we were told that these devices could not be cancelled because they were … [Read more...]

Smart guts, broken necks, mechanical hearts, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Pushing the last frontier – The Flinders Uni researchers cracking the colon code: “Propulsion of intestinal contents is controlled by millions of neurons within the wall of the gut, known as the enteric nervous system. Capable of operating independently of the … [Read more...]

Fungi, measles, Chairman Mao, and more…


Fungi from the gut can promote cancer in the pancreasYou may have heard the strange theory of Tullio Simoncini that cancer is a fungus. Obvious nonsense. But while cancer may not actually be a fungus, it is intriguing to find fungus may … [Read more...]

Quacks, trends, bans, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

A horrifying survey of “pediatric naturopathic oncology” practice: It’s a rallying cry of quacks the world over, even though we already have far more than enough evidence to conclude that a large number of the treatments (e.g., reiki, restrictive diets, … [Read more...]

The Berlin Wall, Pete Evans, supermarkets, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

The Queen’s pharmacist is criticised for selling powdered Berlin Wall as a miracle cure for relationship troubles: With the concepts of ‘like cures like’ and ‘make it weaker to make it stronger’, there truly is nothing that is too … [Read more...]

Supplement supplements, lolly vitamins, vinegar, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

From 60 Minutes: Health supplements could contain heavy metals, arsenic and even snow leopard: Seven out of ten Australians take some form of vitamin or supplement regularly. But is our obsession with DIY wellness and the pursuit of a … [Read more...]

Stem cells, fake diseases, polypharmacy, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

The stem cell hard sell: The Medical Board of California is forming a task force to determine how to regulate physicians offering stem cell therapies: Currently, the Medical Board of California is in the process of deciding how to … [Read more...]

Cancer protection, AIDS advances, new legislation, gold standards, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles:

Gardasil: a little jab helps protect against some cancers: “My only pain during the 10 minute loop electrosurgical ­excision procedure was caused by a couple of jabs from the needle that administered the local anaesthetic. A couple of much less … [Read more...]

Chinese medicine, smoking, flu, and more…

FSM news & articles:

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine): New Developments: China is protecting its $40bn Chinese medicine export and sales industry and attempting to grow it and is influencing our country [Australia, but probably many other countries too] through the back door, by giving … [Read more...]