Zaps, climate change, gene-editing, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Can a few zaps a day keep the pain away? It seems like a great idea, but the evidence base for transcutaneous electric neuronal stimulation (TENS) for relief of chronic pain is severely lacking. Complaints made to the TGA that these … [Read more...]

Can a few zaps a day keep the pain away?

Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine research assistant Abdullah Sheriffdeen spent the summer of 2019 following up complaints sent to the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) which had been classified as ‘low risk’ and ‘closed’ by the regulator by sending a Regulatory … [Read more...]

Truth in labelling, alt-med failures, legislative challenges, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

CHOICE campaign urges Senate to support truthful labelling on health benefits of supplement: “If a bottle of vitamins in the chemist says it supports heart health or provides relief from anxiety, you should be able to trust those claims. But … [Read more...]