Anti-vax networks, detecting nutritional nonsense, sunscreens, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

What naturopaths say to each other when they think no one’s listening: “I do so love how ‘low potency’ in homeopathy-speak means stronger concentrations of homeopathic remedies, you know, not the super ultra-dilutions like 30C… a 30C homeopathic dilution is … [Read more...]

Quackery, pseudoscience, scams, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles

Indian doctors fight against quackery: “There is already a massive problem of medical pseudoscience in India. This bill would legitimize all of it, give it regulatory and educational power, and set back the cause of science-based medicine in India … [Read more...]

Christmas allergies, political interference, preventable deaths, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles

Science-based satire: alternative medical adverse events on the rise: If energy healing were real, can you imagine trying to fill in the insurance forms following an inevitable accident? What would be the training to be able to ensure that … [Read more...]

Chiropractic, fake drugs, quackademia, and more…


FSM news & articles

Chiropractors – all they’re cracked up to be?: FSM founder Dr Marcello Costa being interviewed about chiropractic on the “Science Vs” podcast. Dr Costa’s section starts from 19:50, but I recommend the whole podcast. It gives a good discussion … [Read more...]

Cold cures, placebos, placentophagy, and more…


FSM news & articles

Science or Snake Oil: will horseradish and garlic really ease a cold?: Some of us may have heard that horseradish and garlic supplements help ease cold and flu. Blooms High Strength Horseradish and Garlic Complex claims it has. Others, such … [Read more...]

Supplements, ‘Integrative medicine’, IQ tests, and more…

FSM news & articles:

Are Australians overdosing on supplements?: “New figures show that half of Australian women and a third of men are taking dietary supplements. A study of almost 5000 people revealed. Data from the 2011-2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey showed that … [Read more...]

Supplement regulation, false panaceas, advances in cancer research, and more…


FSM news & articles:

Kids’ vitamin gummies: unhealthy, poorly regulated and exploitative: “In addition to the high and damaging sugar content, we argue these are exploitative products that mislead consumers about the benefit of dietary supplements. Both the website and the label of Kids [Read more...]