Roll-outs, satire, nationalism, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Australia’s vaccine roll-out setbacks take shine off its COVID-19 success: Some public health experts have warned that Australia may not be able to vaccinate its entire population until the end of 2022 due to a lack of supplies. “We need to … [Read more...]

Safety fails, accessibility, multiple myths, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Multiple medications fail to meet safety standards: When unsafe products and contaminated medicines are identified through random checks by the TGA, it begs the question – how many health products are getting to consumers that fail to meet standards? It’s likely … [Read more...]

Probiotics, dumb eye guards, gene therapy, and more…

FSM news and articles

A triumph of hype or self-care? Among over-the-counter products sold in pharmacies, which do not require a prescription, natural health products were the largest selling items in 2015–16 ($1.4 billion). Dr Harvey isn’t completely against all natural health products, pointing out … [Read more...]

Celebrity fact-checks, heart trouble, spectacles, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

Timothy Caulfield on Elle Macpherson, anti-Vaxx nonsense, and the opportunity to engage: Celebrities can—for better or worse, but usually for the worse—help to shape the way we think about healthy lifestyles and preventative strategies. There are many, many science-free health … [Read more...]