Bent Spoons, a cautionary tale, missing ethics, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) 2019-20: On 7 April 2019, the Minister for Health announced an updated review of natural therapies… Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM) has nominated our President, Assoc Prof Ken Harvey, for membership of … [Read more...]

Hate mail, flu, iron, and more…

FSM Friends News and Articles

Belief in homeopathy results in the death of a 7-year-old Italian child: “Rather than seeking care from the family paediatrician, they had him evaluated by a local homeopath”.

Vaccines, public trust and learning from my hate mail: “But within all … [Read more...]

Magic water, chiropractic, measles, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Pete Evans new alkaline water a 10 on the richter scale of BS“You can put in acid or alkaline but in order to keep the internal pH constant your kidneys and lungs get rid of it… This is a … [Read more...]

Flu, milk, WHO, and more…

Friend’s news and articles

Cervical cancer set to be eliminated from Australia in global first: Thanks to an Australian-developed vaccine, and a well executed screening program, within a generation cervical cancer in Australia could be history.


Flu treatments – do any of them [Read more...]

Propaganda, ageing emotions, vitamin patches, and more…


Does CBD really do anything? “What is clear, at this point, is that the marketing has gotten way ahead of the science.”

Anti-vaxxers target baby products in Aussie stores: Anti-vaxxers have been placing fear propaganda among baby goods again. Unsurprisingly, the fear-based cards and … [Read more...]

Microwaves, coffee enemas, MSG, and more…


Vitamin supplements don’t lower heart risk, study findsPeople believe that they can make up for poor diets with supplements — something that has been disproven in several studies.”

Six Things You Need to Know About HPV: Most people will have heard … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding, cold cures, sepsis, and more…


US stuns world health community by opposing breastfeedingThis is not intended as a political statement. Rather, this represents an example of a government agenda running counter to the attitude of the rest of the world. Intended mainly as an initiative to encourage … [Read more...]

Generic drugs, right-to-try, fluoridation, and more…

FSM news & articles

Ban CM brands from making unfounded claims – Doctors: “Under the legislation homeopathic products will be able to claim they decrease the time taken to fall asleep, and relieve symptoms of mild anxiety, “despite the Federal Government warning that homeopathic products … [Read more...]

Diet, flu vaccines, crystals and more …

FSM news and articles

Disappointment for King, Friends of Science in Medicine: “We’re trying on the one hand, to work towards best practice in science-based medicine, and then we’ve got this incredible commercial pull to provide anything that possibly sells off the shelf. And you … [Read more...]