Exports, face masks, cervical cancer, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Complementary medicines – Exporting ‘White Australia Policy’ If a medicine is not permitted by Australian authorities, what business do Australian authorities have manufacturing and selling these products overseas? Our FSM President, Associate Professor Ken Harvey, weighs in.


Japan’s halt [Read more...]

Microwaves, coffee enemas, MSG, and more…


Vitamin supplements don’t lower heart risk, study findsPeople believe that they can make up for poor diets with supplements — something that has been disproven in several studies.”

Six Things You Need to Know About HPV: Most people will have heard … [Read more...]

Consumer exploitation, masks, fluoridation, and more…

FSM news & articles

Supplements exploit consumer ignorance: “For all the hopeful reassurances that pharmacists might have a role in helping consumers evaluate the worth of complementary medicines, its value is completely overshadowed by incessant in-store, online and catalogue promotion of remedies, supplements and concepts … [Read more...]