Malaria, fibre, seatbelts and more…

FSM News and Articles

Health professionals and complementary therapies: what can consumers reasonably expect? “Individuals are at risk of spending money they cannot afford, on useless goods and services, and perhaps delaying efficacious therapy or at worst not receiving needed therapy at all. The cost … [Read more...]

Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) 2019-20

On 7 April 2019, the Minister for Health announced an updated review of natural therapies.[i] The review will be led by the Australian Government Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Professor Brendan Murphy, and be supported by the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP). NTREAP … [Read more...]

Science advocacy, Lyme disease, The Brady Bunch, and more…

FSM Friends News and Articles

Timothy Caulfield: Are we enabling harmful wellness woo?  “In this age of misinformation, fake news and twisted science, we need a stronger and less equivocal response to misinformation and unproven healthcare practices. Can we blame people for believing science-free nonsense … [Read more...]

Junk Science, defining sickness, anti-perspirants, and more…


Is the tide finally turning against anti-vax junk science? Online debate says Yes! “We have found some possible signs of good news: Initially, most of the information on Twitter was dominated by people who opposed vaccinations. But in 2017, the scenario appears to have … [Read more...]

Fish oil, sugar, penile transplants, and more …


Clinical trials review shows fish oil supplements not beneficial against cardiovascular disease: Fish oil – at least in supplement form – has less preventative power than previously thought. “We often find that positive results in initial trials are often not confirmed,” [Ken Harvey] said. … [Read more...]