Magic water, chiropractic, measles, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Pete Evans new alkaline water a 10 on the richter scale of BS“You can put in acid or alkaline but in order to keep the internal pH constant your kidneys and lungs get rid of it… This is a … [Read more...]

Health threats, tooth decay, sunscreens, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

WHO – Vaccine hesitancy top health threat: “Recent studies have shown that those with anti-vaccine views are particularly susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect: ‘More than a third of respondents in our sample thought that they knew as much or more … [Read more...]

FSM Friends news & articles

Regulating fringe practitioners: “The end result of licensing practitioners who are not science-based is that fraud and pseudoscience now has the imprimatur of legitimate medicine, the public is largely confused about the true status of these practitioners, and the regulatory … [Read more...]

Vaccines (again), omega-3, milk, and more…

FSM news & articles

Blackmores vitamin chief says $10m for naturopathic centre at university will not influence research: “Blackmores is a company that’s made a fortune capitalising on the poor health of Australians and convincing them they need a whole lot of supplements and … [Read more...]

Flu, milk, WHO, and more…

Friend’s news and articles

Cervical cancer set to be eliminated from Australia in global first: Thanks to an Australian-developed vaccine, and a well executed screening program, within a generation cervical cancer in Australia could be history.


Flu treatments – do any of them [Read more...]

Whistleblowers, deadly quackery, clinical trials, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles

Doctors attack alternative medicine: A group of doctors have called for their ruling body to ban doctors using their professional titles when offering alternative medicines such as homeopathy, acupuncture and the skin rejuvenation treatment mesotherapy.

The naturopath whistleblower: ‘It [Read more...]

Pain relief, tooth decay, barbecue habits, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles

Should we recommend acupuncture for pain relief? … What do you think? “We concluded that after decades of research and hundreds of acupuncture pain trials, including thousands of patients, we still have no clear mechanism of action, insufficient evidence … [Read more...]