Pandemics, vaccines, pseudoscience and more…

FSM News and Articles

Aussie doctor pushes for free flu vaccine:  “UNSW immunologist [and FSM Co-founder] Professor John Dwyer tells Ben Fordham we will need to take strict measures when it comes to public transport and that the flu vaccine should be made free this … [Read more...]

Coronavirus… and more coronavirus…

FSM News and Articles

JOHN DWYER. Understanding the public health imperatives required to minimise infections with the coronavirus. (Part One): “It is reasonable, at the moment, to suggest that older Australians limit unnecessary exposure to the broader community (meetings, travel, shopping centres etc), while special … [Read more...]

Coronavirus, diets, language, and more…


Wash your damn handsA guide to hand washing in the setting of COVID-19.

Just how contagious is COVID-19? This chart puts it in perspective: With so much fear and misinformation about COVID-19 going about, it’s good to put things in perspective. Here … [Read more...]

Exports, face masks, cervical cancer, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Complementary medicines – Exporting ‘White Australia Policy’ If a medicine is not permitted by Australian authorities, what business do Australian authorities have manufacturing and selling these products overseas? Our FSM President, Associate Professor Ken Harvey, weighs in.


Japan’s halt [Read more...]

Safety fails, accessibility, multiple myths, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Multiple medications fail to meet safety standards: When unsafe products and contaminated medicines are identified through random checks by the TGA, it begs the question – how many health products are getting to consumers that fail to meet standards? It’s likely … [Read more...]

Cancer, climate change, sweeteners, and more…

Friends’ News and Articles

Contrary to what we are frequently told, we are not “losing the war on cancer” (2020 edition): With improved cancer prevention, cancer detection, and improved cancer treatment, the mortality rate has been dropping steadily for decades. However with both the medical … [Read more...]

Mushrooms, Evidence, Smart Watches, and more…

FSM News and Articles

University under fire for mushrooms claim after sponsor revealed: “An Australian university has come under fire for spruiking a study into the supposed immune-boosting powers of mushrooms – without revealing it was sponsored by a company that sells mushroom-based immune-boosters.” More … [Read more...]

Measles, colons, and 3D printing…

Friends’ News and Articles

Measles deaths surge worldwide thanks to poverty and anti-vaccine propaganda: “Measles is almost completely preventable, and it really could be eliminated from the Earth just as smallpox was decades ago. All that is needed is money and the political will … [Read more...]