Truth in labelling, alt-med failures, legislative challenges, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

CHOICE campaign urges Senate to support truthful labelling on health benefits of supplement: “If a bottle of vitamins in the chemist says it supports heart health or provides relief from anxiety, you should be able to trust those claims. But … [Read more...]

Acupuncture failures, vaccine myths, science denialism, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

Acupuncture and the placebo problem:   “When the advocates of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) push back against critics, they often point to the big CAM “successes.” The argument usually goes as follows: the heartless science-informed cynics have long said acupuncture … [Read more...]

Fish oil, sugar, penile transplants, and more …


Clinical trials review shows fish oil supplements not beneficial against cardiovascular disease: Fish oil – at least in supplement form – has less preventative power than previously thought. “We often find that positive results in initial trials are often not confirmed,” [Ken Harvey] said. … [Read more...]

Diet, flu vaccines, crystals and more …

FSM news and articles

Disappointment for King, Friends of Science in Medicine: “We’re trying on the one hand, to work towards best practice in science-based medicine, and then we’ve got this incredible commercial pull to provide anything that possibly sells off the shelf. And you … [Read more...]

Supplements, rabies, smarter drugs, and more…

FSM news and articles

Do vitamins and supplements really work? Dr Ken Harvey, makes an appearance on ABC Nightlife to talk about the evidence for herbal, mineral and vitamin supplements, and the issues around them.   “The [vitamin and supplement] industry really sells hope. [rather … [Read more...]

Obesity, winning arguments, kindness, and more…


The 1918 influenza pandemic affected the whole world. Could it happen again? “This virus killed more people in 24 weeks than HIV killed in 24 years. This has been described as the greatest medical holocaust in history”. The quest for a universal flu vaccine … [Read more...]

Whistleblowers, deadly quackery, clinical trials, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles

Doctors attack alternative medicine: A group of doctors have called for their ruling body to ban doctors using their professional titles when offering alternative medicines such as homeopathy, acupuncture and the skin rejuvenation treatment mesotherapy.

The naturopath whistleblower: ‘It [Read more...]