FSM’s meeting with Federal Health Minister

On 19 July, Hubertus Jersmann (who had requested the meeting) and Paul Rolan met Mark Butler MP, Federal Minister for Health, in Adelaide. Paulina Stehlik was present via weblink, as was one of the Minister’s policy advisors.

The Minister had read the briefing document and … [Read more...]

Quackery, obscurity, religion, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Ivermectin goes from being the new hydroxychloroquine to being the new MMS: “I don’t know if this is truly an immutable law, but it seems that way to me: Among quacks, the use of given quackery for any given condition … [Read more...]

Grapefruit, Amazon, New Zealand, and more…

FSM News and Articles

How the “Don’t take this medication with grapefruit juice” warning originated: “Grapefruit eater/drinker? Check your medications! Several dozen drugs have subsequently been shown to be potentially affected by grapefruit. David Bailey died last month at age 77. If you ever receive … [Read more...]

Contrarians, satire, set-backs, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Chiropractic neck manipulations in the news: “With the possible exception of back pain, chiropractic spinal manipulation has not been shown to be effective for any medical condition. The risk of stroke from neck manipulation is uncertain, but a significant … [Read more...]