Colds, flu, taxes, and much more…

FSM news & articles

ALP commits to disclaimers for evidence-free medicine: “Adjunct Associate Professor Ken Harvey, a public health expert at Monash University, said there were many examples of ‘craziness’ in product claims made under the current regulatory framework. These included a ‘fat burner’ … [Read more...]

Generic drugs, right-to-try, fluoridation, and more…

FSM news & articles

Ban CM brands from making unfounded claims – Doctors: “Under the legislation homeopathic products will be able to claim they decrease the time taken to fall asleep, and relieve symptoms of mild anxiety, “despite the Federal Government warning that homeopathic products … [Read more...]

Expiry dates, beta-tests, robotics, and more…


FSM Friends news & articles:

Are drug expiry dates really a myth?: “There’s no single rule for expired drugs and supplements, owing to the variety of products, regulatory requirements, and other factors that can influence a product’s safety and efficacy. In general, expiry dates … [Read more...]

Side effects of supplements, update on anti-vaxxers, “Right To Try” laws, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles:

Increase In Supplement Poisonings:

“The annual rate of dietary supplement exposures per 100,000 population increased by 46.1% during 2000–2002, decreased 8.8% during 2002–2005, and then increased again by 49.3% from 2005 to 2012. These trends were influenced by the decrease … [Read more...]

Reviews of chiropractic and homeopathy; germ theory; science journalism; and more

FSM Friends news & articles:

Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation Red Flags: A Comprehensive Review: An in-depth review of the efficacy, lack of efficacy and myths of chiropractic by a second-generation chiropractor who has been expressing his views about the benefits of appropriate use of … [Read more...]