Pharmacy friction, trust, measles, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

What do consumers think about homeopathic remedies? “Homeopathy is a good example of the friction between the profession of pharmacy, and the business of pharmacy. Pharmacists are health care professionals, but pharmacies sell lots of nonsense that isn’t evidence based … [Read more...]

Quacks, trends, bans, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

A horrifying survey of “pediatric naturopathic oncology” practice: It’s a rallying cry of quacks the world over, even though we already have far more than enough evidence to conclude that a large number of the treatments (e.g., reiki, restrictive diets, … [Read more...]

Contamination, fakes, bans, and more…

Friend’s News and Articles

Secret ingredients in herbal medicines – toxins, pharmaceuticals, allergens:Despite current monitoring approaches, contaminated and adulterated products are still reaching the consumer. We suggest that a better solution is stronger pre-market evaluation.”

SB 276 is now law, and antivaxers are [Read more...]

Measles, CMV, meningococcal, and more…

FSM News & Articles

‘The course is making money’ – University to drop Chinese medicine degree: “It’s a historical tradition that pre-dated the scientific era… There’s nothing wrong with looking at that using modern scientific techniques. The problem is people don’t, they tend to teach … [Read more...]

Insurance, legal errors, rewards, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Reform Calls: Private health insurance at the crossroads: There is a plethora of data from other countries supporting primary care strategies that reduce hospital admissions for medical problems. The $11 billion of support for PHI should be steadily diverted to pay … [Read more...]

Reputations, Facebook fakes, flu (still), and more…

FSM News and Articles

Shops full of vitamins, miracle pills “trashing pharmacists’ reputation“; “The transformation of pharmacies into shopfronts for homoeopathy, vitamins and non-evidence-based remedies is trashing the profession’s reputation, doctors, experts and even some pharmacists fear.”


Rising rates of bowel cancer in [Read more...]

Magic water, chiropractic, measles, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Pete Evans new alkaline water a 10 on the richter scale of BS“You can put in acid or alkaline but in order to keep the internal pH constant your kidneys and lungs get rid of it… This is a … [Read more...]

Probiotics, dumb eye guards, gene therapy, and more…

FSM news and articles

A triumph of hype or self-care? Among over-the-counter products sold in pharmacies, which do not require a prescription, natural health products were the largest selling items in 2015–16 ($1.4 billion). Dr Harvey isn’t completely against all natural health products, pointing out … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding, cold cures, sepsis, and more…


US stuns world health community by opposing breastfeedingThis is not intended as a political statement. Rather, this represents an example of a government agenda running counter to the attitude of the rest of the world. Intended mainly as an initiative to encourage … [Read more...]