Brain damage, risk, dichotomies, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Neurological manifestations of COVID-19: “Some researchers are warning, that the damage caused to the brain from severe COVID-19 might have long term effects that are not recognized for years. Ischemic and inflammatory damage to brain cells may accelerate degenerative processes, … [Read more...]

Reality, anecdotes, design, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

There is no COVID-19 “casedemic.” The pandemic is real and deadly: COVID-19 has killed over a quarter million Americans in less than a year, roughly the equivalent of a 9/11 attack every 4 days. This is the tragic consequence of … [Read more...]

Potential harm, actual nonsense, riot-acts, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Natural cold and flu busters unlikely to do the trick but could do harmProfessor Geraldine Moses works as a clinical pharmacist at Mater Health Services in Brisbane, and holds a position with the University of Queensland’s School of Pharmacy. … [Read more...]

Conspiracies, ticks, 5G, and more…


Coronavirus – Social media users more likely to believe conspiracies“Some 60% of those who believe that COVID-19 symptoms were linked to 5G radiation said that much of their information on the virus came from YouTube – while of those who believed that … [Read more...]

Alchemy, coronavirus, Goop, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Legislative Alchemy 2019 – Chiropractors seek scope of practice expansion, including authority to prescribe drugs: “Finally, falling into no particular category, yet speaking volumes, the Idaho Board of Chiropractic Physicians convinced the state legislature that its peer review process, which is … [Read more...]

Donations to science, post-natal depression, sleep deprivation, and more…


This 87-Year-old woman donated her body so doctors could slice it into 27,000 pieces: Susan Potter donated her body to science, and have it sliced into 2700 slices, showing every detail of her diseases and pathology, including a titanium hip. “And, unusually, Potter’s … [Read more...]