Measles, colons, and 3D printing…

Friends’ News and Articles

Measles deaths surge worldwide thanks to poverty and anti-vaccine propaganda: “Measles is almost completely preventable, and it really could be eliminated from the Earth just as smallpox was decades ago. All that is needed is money and the political will … [Read more...]

Quacks, trends, bans, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

A horrifying survey of “pediatric naturopathic oncology” practice: It’s a rallying cry of quacks the world over, even though we already have far more than enough evidence to conclude that a large number of the treatments (e.g., reiki, restrictive diets, … [Read more...]

The Berlin Wall, Pete Evans, supermarkets, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

The Queen’s pharmacist is criticised for selling powdered Berlin Wall as a miracle cure for relationship troubles: With the concepts of ‘like cures like’ and ‘make it weaker to make it stronger’, there truly is nothing that is too … [Read more...]