Healthy food, celebrity fraud, concussion, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Where food meets medicine – reform needed: “…the regulation of health claims for foods and therapeutic goods is inconsistent; complaint systems are inadequate, no effective penalties are applied for documented breaches of the law, and questionable (and potentially dangerous products) are … [Read more...]

Confessions, reviews, deception, and more…

FSM News & Articles

The Chiropractic Industry: This makes me so sad. This patient was seeing her chiro for “gut issues”, mentioned she had blood in her stools and her chiro did not refer her to a medical practitioner. Bloody stools is one sign … [Read more...]

Weight-loss, chronic pain, Facebook, and more…

FSM News & Articles

CSIRO profiting from weight loss pill with no scientific backing: The pills, marketed as ‘Metabolic C12’ contain lauric acid, which has some early evidence behind it as an appetite suppressant. However, it has never been tested for weight loss. The Impromy [Read more...]

Chiropractors and babies: ABC interviews FSM’s Prof Marcello Costa

Marcello Costa, Professor of Neurophysiology, Flinders University, and Founding Member of FSM.

FSM’s Professor Marcello Costa was interviewed on ABC Weekend Breakfast (23rd February, 2019) to discuss reports of chiropractors carrying out potentially dangerous manipulations on very young babies. Click here to read one of [Read more...]

Magic water, chiropractic, measles, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Pete Evans new alkaline water a 10 on the richter scale of BS“You can put in acid or alkaline but in order to keep the internal pH constant your kidneys and lungs get rid of it… This is a … [Read more...]