Fish, flu, backfires, and more…

FSM Friends News and Articles

ACIP vaccine recommendations – updates for HPV, HepA, MenB, flu: ACIP meets three times a year to review and update vaccine schedules, determine if a new vaccine should be included in the schedule, and other issues. The members use … [Read more...]

Vitamin D, aluminium, illegal pills, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

Vitamin D supplements do not reduce the risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease: This new trial answers important questions that had been raised in previous reviews. The US Preventive Services Task Force has previous concluded that there was insufficient evidence … [Read more...]

Truth in labelling, alt-med failures, legislative challenges, and more…

FSM Friends news & articles

CHOICE campaign urges Senate to support truthful labelling on health benefits of supplement: “If a bottle of vitamins in the chemist says it supports heart health or provides relief from anxiety, you should be able to trust those claims. But … [Read more...]