Reviews of chiropractic and homeopathy; germ theory; science journalism; and more

FSM Friends news & articles:

Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation Red Flags: A Comprehensive Review: An in-depth review of the efficacy, lack of efficacy and myths of chiropractic by a second-generation chiropractor who has been expressing his views about the benefits of appropriate use of … [Read more...]

Women in STEM, nanoparticles in milk, rebranding fraud, and more…

FSM news & articles:

Four superstars of STEM at Uni of Adelaide: FSM congratulates the Stars of STEM, including our very own Dr Pallave Dasari (main picture)!

Homeopathy company investigated over ebook advocating treatment of babies: Australian drug regulator’s advertising compliance unit examining whether … [Read more...]

Homeopathy in pharmacies, false hopes, universities stand up, and more

FSM news & articles

King Review: Homeopathy shouldn’t be sold in PBS-approved pharmacies: FSM’s Ian Carr has welcomed King Review recommendations on homeopathy .The interim report of the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation states that “there are unacceptable risks where community pharmacies are allowed … [Read more...]

Acupuncture, homeopathy, ‘Quackademia”, viruses, cancer, and more


FSM news & articles:

Comment on the (FDA) Notice: Draft Revisions to the FDA Blueprint for Prescriber Education for Extended-Release and Long-Acting Opioids; Availability; “Recommendations by the FDA (US) impact all countries.  FSM appreciates that it is appropriate for the FDA to recommend … [Read more...]

Crystal healing & controversial nutrition in universities, homeopathy, naturopathy, cancer, and more


Pro-science lobby wary of uni links to alternative remedies : Friends of Science in Medicine – WA universities are increasingly being used to host events to promote alternative remedies such as crystal healing.

Backlash over Murdoch Uni’s decision to host ‘dangerous nutrition expert’ : [Read more...]

Vitamin gummies, ‘esoteric breast massage’, ‘Pranic crystal healing’, pet therapy, and more

Complementary and alternative medicines:

Kids’ vitamin gummies: unhealthy, poorly regulated and exploitative: There are many brands of kids’ “gummies” on the market, but these products are unhealthy and exploitative. Their high sugar content may appeal to young children, but they’re not a good introduction to … [Read more...]