The Berlin Wall, Pete Evans, supermarkets, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

The Queen’s pharmacist is criticised for selling powdered Berlin Wall as a miracle cure for relationship troubles: With the concepts of ‘like cures like’ and ‘make it weaker to make it stronger’, there truly is nothing that is too … [Read more...]

Ebola, brain balancing, bleach, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Forum calls for greater protection on claims from complementary medicines: “Imagine that you have been having sleeping problems, and so you head to your local chemist in the hopes of some quick relief. You see a few options, but one stands … [Read more...]

Bent Spoons, a cautionary tale, missing ethics, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) 2019-20: On 7 April 2019, the Minister for Health announced an updated review of natural therapies… Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM) has nominated our President, Assoc Prof Ken Harvey, for membership of … [Read more...]

Insurance, legal errors, rewards, and more…

FSM News & Articles

Reform Calls: Private health insurance at the crossroads: There is a plethora of data from other countries supporting primary care strategies that reduce hospital admissions for medical problems. The $11 billion of support for PHI should be steadily diverted to pay … [Read more...]

Non-carcinogens, denialism, smoking, and more…


The 2019 flu shot isn’t perfect – but it’s still our best defence against influenza: With a belter of a flu season upon us, it’s still worth considering getting vaccinated if you haven’t yet – flu cases peak in late July or August so … [Read more...]

Reputations, Facebook fakes, flu (still), and more…

FSM News and Articles

Shops full of vitamins, miracle pills “trashing pharmacists’ reputation“; “The transformation of pharmacies into shopfronts for homoeopathy, vitamins and non-evidence-based remedies is trashing the profession’s reputation, doctors, experts and even some pharmacists fear.”


Rising rates of bowel cancer in [Read more...]

Hate mail, flu, iron, and more…

FSM Friends News and Articles

Belief in homeopathy results in the death of a 7-year-old Italian child: “Rather than seeking care from the family paediatrician, they had him evaluated by a local homeopath”.

Vaccines, public trust and learning from my hate mail: “But within all … [Read more...]

Science advocacy, Lyme disease, The Brady Bunch, and more…

FSM Friends News and Articles

Timothy Caulfield: Are we enabling harmful wellness woo?  “In this age of misinformation, fake news and twisted science, we need a stronger and less equivocal response to misinformation and unproven healthcare practices. Can we blame people for believing science-free nonsense … [Read more...]